Poo~Pourri Toilet Spray

Toilet sprays come in all sorts of varieties, but when I saw “Poo~Pourri,” I could not resist. It made me smile and I needed to know more. Alas, I was not disappointed. Not only is the name funny, the individual products for different scents are even better. Let’s see if you agree.

Want to Trap-A-Crap? Is it Deja Poo? When Ship Happens, sometimes you need a Royal Flush. I could keep going. Or, maybe The Turds & The Bees are too Heavy Doody for you?

All of these fancy names represent different scents, but these titles are just way more fun to say! And these examples are not even the full list. There are more fun and great smelling options to choose from.

DejaPoo PooPouri


What exactly is Poo~Pourri Toilet Spray?

Normally, we tend to spray the bathroom after we have finished our business. This is a “Before You Go” approach to removing odors. So, before you sit down, you spray 3 to 5 squirts into the toilet water. It will create a film on the surface of the water. This film traps the odor under the surface so that all you smell is the scent you chose!

I am sure I am not the only that read this and wondered: “What if the water I sprayed travels upwards and hits me while I am sitting on the throne?” No worries – all of the products are made with essential oils and are plant-based. There are no synthetic fragrances or chemicals to be concerned about!

It Doesn’t Stop at Toilet Spray!

The toilet spray caught my attention first, but there are other natural products that may interest you: Home~Pourri, Pit~Pourri, and Sole~Pourri.

Like I said before, all products are created using only natural ingredients. Whether you need to remove odor from your bathroom, in your arm pits, in your shoes, or around the house, you can do it in style with these creative scents. There are great gift sets too! My favorite happens to be the Master Crapsman. Can you see why?

I feel like my sense of humor would mesh perfectly with whomever created this Pourri site. I fell in love with it immediately! When you venture there, I hope you enjoy it too! Click here or on any of the images in this article to check it out!

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